(주)녹색기술단은 수질오염 방지시설을 설치하는 업체로서
초기 DATA 수집부터 설계,기계제작,시공 및 수질 개런티까지 일괄 도급계약으로 프로젝트를 수행합니다.
암모니아스트리퍼(NH3 STRIPPER), 암모니아제거, 암모니아회수설비 및 폐수처리시설공사,
고농도 질소처리 전문 기술을 보유하고 있으며, 기술연구소를 구비하고 있어 자체적으로
처리공법을 개발하고 고객의 요구에 적합한 최적의 프로세서를 제공합니다.
GREEN E.C CO.,LTD was established on the 01,June 2004.
Since then the company has constantly innovated with ever-changing technology to create value for customers.
we are a professional company that oversees all parts of a project from design, to construction to follow up after completion. Especially, Our have abundant and accumulated professional technical experience. It also has a technology research institute, which allows it to conduct its own development and research.
We provide the best process to meet the needs of our customers.
(Main business : Ammonia stripper,waste treatment plant, R&D)
Tel.032-328-9101 Fax.032-328-9104
Homepage. www.greenec.kr